We want people to quickly develop innovations and respond to opportunities and threats in new and existing markets. Funding supports the better planning of R&D and innovation projects. There are support programmes designed to encourage companies to think strategically about disruptive technologies and take time to look beyond their own organisation for inspiration and guidance. Projects should be innovative and include a level of risk, and not simply focus on routine changes or adopting best practices.
TUS Innovates Midwest
TUS Innovates Midwest provides support to innovation and enterprise in the region using a wide variety of tools. Together, these mechanisms form the TUS Innovates Midwest. TUS Innovates Midwest is a unique approach to the provision of support to enterprise, through which the resources of the Institute – academic, research, facilities and finance – are combined together in an integrated way to make the right type of support available to an enterprise in the right way at the right time. Innovation & Enterprise at TUS Midwest and its enterprise support activities are under the direction of the Institute’s Head of Innovation & Enterprise, Gillian Barry.

Enterprise Ireland - Innovation Partnership Programme
The Innovation Partnership Programme can help you to take your business to the next level. Enterprise Ireland can help your company to access the latest skills and expertise from research institutes throughout Ireland. The Innovation Partnership Programme can provide up to 80% of the cost of research work towards the development of new and improved products, processes or services, or generate new knowledge and know-how.
New Frontiers - the National Entrepreneur Development Programme
If you have an innovative business idea and are planning to establish and run your own company, the New Frontiers Programme can provide you with help and support to accelerate your business development and to equip you with the skills and contacts that you need to successfully start and grow your company. The Programme is run over three phases, during these you will gain the confidence and skills to develop your business idea within a supportive and encouraging environment.

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